Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hashtable vs Dictionary<>

Hashtable, array, and ArrayList ---- System.Collections, weak data type
Dictionary<>, List<> -----System.Collection.Generic, strong data type

for example:
you can define hashtable:

Hashtable employees = new Hashtable();
employees.Add(3, "asdfasf");

no compile error

Dictinary diEmp = new Dictionary();

Reading List

Design Guidelines for developing class libraries:


Monday, December 29, 2008

Using sql agent date and time handling

I had project try to insert batch run time into database. The batchRunDt data formation is "20070430204147", the field in database is datetime,

here is the example to show you how to using fn_agentDate2DateTime to converts datetime

declare @batchRunDt varchar(20)
select @batchRunDt = '20070430204147'
print msdb.dbo.fn_AgentDateTime2DateTime(left(@batchRunDt,8),Right(@batchRunDt,6))

The result is :
Apr 30 2007 8:41PM

print msdb.dbo.fn_AgentDate2DateTime(20060806)
The result is:

Aug 9 2006 12:00AM

you can download the function in : http://sqldev.net/sqlagent/SQLAgentDateTime.htm

Find the missing two interger in array

We all know how to find one missing interger in array, my question is how can we find the two missing interger in interger array:

public void Find2MissingNum()
int[] iTol = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
int[] iMis = { 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
int x, y;
// try to find 3, 5
//sum iMis
int sMis =0 , sTol=0;
foreach (int i in iMis)
sMis += i;
// sum iTol
sTol = iTol.Length * (iTol.Length + 1) / 2;
// time total
int tMis = 1, tTol = 1;
foreach (int i in iMis)
tMis *= i;
foreach (int i in iTol)
tTol *= i;
int timeSmisStol = tTol / tMis;
int difTM = sTol - sMis;
for (int i = 0; i < difTM; i++)
if (i * (difTM - i) == timeSmisStol)
x = i;
y = difTM - i;


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

REST Web Services Characteristics

Client- Server: a pull based interaction style: consuming components pull representtaions.
Stateless: each request from client to server smust contain all the information necessary to understand the request, and cannot take advantage of any stored contect on the server.
Cache:to impreove network efficiency responses must be capable of being labeled as cacheable or non-cacheable.
Uniform interface: all resources are accessed with a generic interface(http get, post, put, delete)
Named resources -- the system is comprised of resources which are names using a URL.
interconnected resource representations -- the representations of the resources are interconnected using URLs, thereby enabling a client to progress from one state to another.
Layered componens-- intermediaries, such as proxy servers, cache servers, gateways, etc, can be inserted between clients and resources to support performance, security, etc.

REST-- An architectural style, not a standard

REST is not a standard, it does use standards:

XML/HTML/GIF/JPEG/etc(Resource Representations),
image/jpeg, etc

REST--- Representational State Transfer

REST Data Elements:
resource --- the intended conceptual target of a hypertext reference
resource identifier --- url, urn
REPRESENTATION ---html document, JPEG image
representation metadata -- media tyoe, last- modified time
resource metadata -- source link, alternates, vary
control data -- if modified- since, cache- control

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Function to find second highest integer

private int FindSecondHighestInt()
int[] testArray = { 6,4, 7, 9, 10, 3, 2 };
int highest, secondHighest, temp;
highest = testArray[0];
secondHighest = testArray[0];
for (int i = 0; i < testArray.Length; i++)
temp = testArray[i];
if ( temp > highest)
secondHighest = highest;
highest = temp;
if (temp > secondHighest)
secondHighest = temp;
return secondHighest;

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Compare XML data with SQL 2000 table

In SQL 2000, I wrote some code in stored procedure in SQL 2000 openxml. I need check for the data duplication before inserting the value,
Create Proc prdSaveHPCatalog(@xml TEXT, @brand varchar(200), @isExisted bit output)

DECLARE @IDocumentHandle int
DECLARE @isExisted bit

EXECUTE sp_xml_preparedocument @iDocumentHandle output, @xml
---- check if the data already existed
if not exists( select 1 from OpenXML(@iDocumnetHandle, '/productCatalog/header',2) WITH (batchRunDt varchar(20) 'barchRunDt') HeaderRunTime WHERE HeaderRunTime.batchRunDt in (select batchRunDt from CategoryHeader)
set @isExisted = 1

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Improving the Search Time with Binary Search Trees

The important concept to understand the BST is that ideally at each step in the algorithm that number of nodes that have to be considered has been cut in half. With an ideally arrangd BST the midpoint is the root. We than traverse down the tree, navigating to the left and right children as needed. These approaches cut the search space in half at each step. Such algorithms that exhibit this property have an asymptotic running time of log2n,

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

LINQ Query

Almonst every generic collection provided by the .NET Framework implements IEumerable. .NET controls support data binding to any IEnumerable collection.
LINQ query return results is type IEumerable T is determined by the object type of the select clause

Saturday, November 8, 2008

HTTP ready state:

0 uninitialized
1 loading
2 loaded
3 interactive
4 complete

Useful HTTP status:

200 OK
201 Created
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
403 Forbidden
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
411 Length Required
413 Requested Entity Too Large
414 Requested URL Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
500 Internal Server Error
502 Bad Gateway
501Not Implemented
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
505 HTTP Version Not Supported

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Inheritance using Closures and Prototypes

example for Closure:

function Car(name)
this.Name = name;
this.Drive = Drive;
function Drive(){}

function SuperCar(name)
//implement closure inheritance
this.inheritsFrom = Car;
//add new method
this.Fly = Fly;
function Fly(){}

example for Prototyping:

function Car(name)
this.Name = name;
Car.prototype.Drive = function()
document.write("My Name is " + this.Name + " and I am driving
SuperCar.prototype = new Car();
SuperCar.prototype.constructor = SuperCar();
SuperCar.prototype.Fly = function()
document.write("My Name is " + this.Name + " and I am flying
function SuperCar(name)

Function as variable

In Javascript, function is first-class object, which is mean that a function is regarded as a data type which the value can be saved in local vaiables, passed as paramenters and assigned.

Keep in mind the javasript objects is understanding as collection (key value)pairs.

JavaScript doesn't support the notion of private memebers as C#, but we can simulate the functionality by ising variables inside the function. by declared the variable using keyword "var" instead of "this", thus acting like private members. Variables can, however, be accessed by closure functions.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

JavaScript Object (base) Oriented Programming

allowing runtime type reflection
allowing OOP advantage--- classes, interfaces, inheritance , emulate c# as much as possible.

Reflection comes from the important class -- Type

JavaScript Functions includes arguments, constructor and prototype

call and apply methods apply to function

Array.addRange() ---- is add item to array

Array.addRange() ---- is add item to array
var a= [1,2];
var b= [3,4];
Array.addRange(a, b) ---- add b array to a
for(var i in a) ---- the result will be 1,2,3,4

Array.clone() --- is shallow copy : only copy the reference but the objects being referenced are not copied
array.push --- push the item on the top of the stack
array.pop -- pop method pops up the item at the top of the stack

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Client Delegates


Steps create client delegate:

1) create client delegate by using Function.createDelegate(this, functionName)

2) add the new delegate into $addHandler(this, newDelegate)

3) access the window object, write the function

function pageLoad() {
var clickDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this,onButtonClick);
function onButtonClick()
alert(String.format("this code is funning on {0} {1}", Sys.Browser.name, Sys.Browser.version));

Client-page lifecycle

Sys.Application object lifecycle:
init, load, unload
1) When browser starts: Sys.Application object start initializing the MS Ajax library's runtime. firle the init event, initialized and instantiated all the client components.

2)Sys.Applicaton fires the load event.

3) when user mavigates away from the page or reloads page, the unload event of the window object intercepted by Sys.Application

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

LINQ with DirectionInfo

DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(@"d:\");
var dirQuery = from dir in di.GetDirectories()
orderby di.Name
select new { fName = dir.Name};
foreach(var folderName in dirQuery)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


LINQ --- Language Integrated Query
LINQ to Objects (to APIs)
LINQ to SQL (Relational database)

New namespace System.Xml.Linq includes a series of new LINQ to XML objects that make working with xml easier:

1) XDocument instead of XmlDocument

XDocument xdoc = XDocumnet.load(@"d:\HPCTO");

query xml:

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(@"D:\HPCTO\Pavilio.xml");
var query = from ConfigGroup in xdoc.Descendants("ConfigGroup")
select new
ProductDescription = ConfigGroup.Attribute("Description").Value
foreach (var item in query)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

disable tracking in DataContext

You can disable the tracking ability by setting ObjectTrackingEnabled to false.
Disabling object tracking also prevents you from subitting updates to the data.

Monday, April 28, 2008

How Deferred Execution Works

Query operators provide deferred execution by returning decorator sequences.

Calling where merely consts the decorator wrapper sqequence, holding a reference to the input sequence, the lambda expression and any other arguments supplied.
---- c# 3.0 In a Nutshell

When query operator acutally querying the array through the where decorator

LINQ Comprehension Queries

Besides Lamda Express in Queries, c# provides a syntactic shortcut for writing LINQ queries : Comprehension Query, this statement always starts with a from clause and ends with eithere a select or group clause.

Extention Methods(C# 3.0)

Extension Methods : extend new methods without altering the definition of the original type. the extension method must be a static method of a static class, where the this midifier is applied to the first parameter.

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static class StringHelper
public static bool IsCapitalized(this string s)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return false;
return char.IsUpper(s[0]);

Nullable types

sting s = null;

int? i = null // ok nullable type

translates to:

Nullable i = new Nullable()

Anonymous Methods

To write an anonymous method, include the delegate keyword followed by a parameter declarationa dn then a method body:

First create a delegate Transformer:

delegate int Transformer (int i);

  • Transformer square = delegate(int x){return x * x;};
  • this statement can be simplied to :
  • Transformer square = (int x ) => {return x * x;}
  • OR
  • Transformer squere = x => x* x;

call square:


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

partial classes and parital methods (C# 3.0)

Partial classes can't have the same members and constructor can't have the exactly same arguments. And must reside in the same assembly.

partial class may contain partial methods, the partial method must be void and are implicitly private.

3.0 Object Initializers

Simply the process to initialize:

public class Bunny
public string Name;
public bool LikeCarrots;
public Bunny(string n)
this.Name = n;

Bunny b1 = new Bunny { Name = "stupid", LikeCarrots = false };
Bunny b2 = new Bunny("foo") { LikeCarrots = true };

Passing by value vs Passing by ref

Passing by Values has two situations , it's by default (no parameter modifider)

1) passing by value type

2)passing by reference type

Passing by Reference has two situations one param modifier is ref, another is out

Stack vs Heap

Stock is a block of memory for storing local variable. The storage automatically grows and shrinks as a function is entered and exited.

Heap is a block of memory in which objects reside.Whenever a new object is created, it is allocated on the heap, and reference to that object is returned. During a program's execution, the heap starts filling up as new objects are created. The runtime has a garbage collector that periodically deallocates objects from the heap, so your computer does not runt out of memory. An object is eligible for dealocation as soon as nothing references it.

------ C#3.0 In A Nutshell by Joseph & Ben

Best statement value types vs reference types

Value types comprise most build-in types(all numeric types, the char type and bool type), custom struct and enum types

Reference typs comprose all class, array, string delegate and inferface types.

Value types content is simply a value,
Reference type comtains Reference and object, when assigning a reference type variable copies the reference, not the object instance. This allows multiple variables to refer to the same object.
Reference type can be assigned null, value type can't.
Value type takes exactly the sum of memory of their fields takes.
Reference type takes object plus and reference memory, object meeory takes the sum of fields memory plus Oject metadata memory.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Stream XML Fragments from an XmlReader


yield return iterator

IL creates a state engine to retain their state and don't have to go through the pain of maintaining state in coding:

private static IEnumerable GetData()
for (int i=0; i <5; i++)
yield return i ;

when call GetData() function, will receive a new incremented integer.

Load xml into XElement and loop through xElement

string url = Server.MapPath("Books.xml");
XElement x = XElement.Load(url, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);
IEnumerable<xelement> authors = x.Descendants("author");
foreach (XElement author in authors)
Response.Write(author.Value + "<br />");
Here is XML file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><books><book><title>LINQ in Action</title><author>Fabrice Marguerie</author><author>Steve Eichert</author><author>Jim Wooley</author><publisher>Manning</publisher></book></books>


1) functional construction:

2) context-free XML creation

3)simplified names

RSS --- Really Simple Syndication--- a format for distributing and gathering content from sources across the web, including newspapers, magaxines, and blogs:

XML API class hierarchy:
XObject --> XNode --> XContainer-->
XDocument vs XElement

XDocment is complete xml doc.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Partial Classes in ASP.NET

Partial classes split class into multiple physical files. Compiler treats all these partial classes as a single type.
partial keyword applies to classes, structs and interfaces but not enums

pessimistic concurrency vs optimistic concurrency

locks another user to make changes until the record is released --- pessimistic concurrency
allow user to make changes to the same record -- optimistic concurrency

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Practices coding

namespace LINQtoSQL
public partial class PublisherMgr : System.Web.UI.Page
Table tbPublisher;
DataContext publisherDataContext;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataAccess.GetAdventureConnection());
publisherDataContext = new DataContext(conn);
tbPublisher = publisherDataContext.GetTable();
gvPublisher.DataSource = from pub in tbPublisher orderby pub.PublisherName select pub;
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Publisher newPub = new Publisher();
newPub.PublisherId = Guid.NewGuid();
newPub.PublisherName = txtPublisher.Text;
gvPublisher.DataSource = from pub in tbPublisher orderby pub.PublisherName select pub;

namespace LINQtoSQL
static public class DataAccess
static public IQueryable GetDataAccess()
string connectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["connectionString"].ToString();
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
DataContext dataContext = new DataContext(connection);
IQueryable books = from book in dataContext.GetTable() select book;
return books;
static public string GetAdventureConnection()
return ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["connectionString"].ToString();
static public string GetNorthwindConnection()
return ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["connectionStringNorthwind"].ToString();

namespace LINQtoSQL
public class Book
[Column(Name="BookId", IsPrimaryKey=true)]
public Guid BookId { get; set; }
public string Isbn { get; set; }
[Column (Name="Notes")]
public string Notes { get; set; }
public Int32 PageCount { get;set; }
[Column (Name="Price")]
public decimal Price {get;set;}
[Column (Name="PublicationDate")]
public DateTime PublicationDate { get; set; }
[Column (Name="Summary")]
public string Summary{get;set;}
[Column (Name="Title")]
public string Title{get;set;}
[Column (Name="SubjectId")]
public Guid SubjectId { get; set; }
[Column (Name="PublisherId")]
public Guid PublishId { get; set; }
[Table(Name = "dbo.Subject")]
public class Subject
public Guid SubjectId { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
[Table(Name = "dbo.Publisher")]
public class Publisher
[Column(Name="PublisherId", IsPrimaryKey=true)]
public Guid PublisherId { get; set; }
public string PublisherName { get; set; }

Friday, April 11, 2008

Debug tool --- Query Visualizer tool

Download from:


and copy SqlServerQueryVisualizer.dll paste to file://program/ Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers

restart VS 2008 , you are good to debug LINQ Expression

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Standend query operators samples

Besides where, select, here are SelectMany, Selecting Indeces, Distinst...


var authors = SampleData.Books.SelectMany(book => book.Authors);

equal expression:

var authors = from book in SampleData.Books
from author in book.Authors
select author.LastName

you can't write
var authors = from book in SampleData.Books SelectMany ........

select index:

var books = SampleData.Books
.Select((book, index) => new { index, book.Title })
.OrderBy(book => book.Title);
foreach (var bk in books)
Response.Write(bk.Title + bk.index);

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Example Query expression & Operator

Which method you prefer???

string[] books =
{ "Funny Stories", "All your base are belong to us", "C# on Railjs", "Bonjour mon Amoue" };
// Operator:
GridView1.DataSource =
.Where(book => book.Length > 10)
.OrderBy(book => book)
.Select(book => book.ToUpper());
// query expression
GridView1.DataSource = from book in books where book.Length > 10 orderby book select book;

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Deferred query execution

The query operators is that they execute not when constructed but when ecumerated (in other words, when MoveNext is called on its enumerator)

LINQ sample:

var numbers = new List();
var query = from n in numbers select n * 10;
foreach (int i in query)

The number 10 is added into the query result, this is called lazy evalution or deferred.
This feature seperate the query construction from query execution

Iterator yield return sample code

using System.Collections.Generic;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (var v in OneTwoThree())
private IEnumerable OneTwoThree()
Response.Write("return 1");
yield return 1;
Response.Write("return 2");
yield return 2;
Response.Write("return 3");
yield return 3;

IEnumerable two usage generic && non-generic

The non-generic type'System.Collections.IEnumerable' cannot be used with type arguments. error message: ask you add using System.Collections.Generic

LINQ Sample

var processes =
Process.GetProcesses().Where(process => process.WorkingSet64 > 20 * 1024 * 1024)
.OrderByDescending(process => process.WorkingSet64)
.Select(process => new { Id = process.Id, Name = process.ProcessName });

foreach (var obj in processes)
Response.Write(obj.Id +" & "+ obj.Name +"

Anonymous types

Sample code:
var v1 = new {FirstName ="Bin", LastName="Zeng" }

The conpilers consider anonymous types that is specified within the same program with properties of the same names and types in the same order to be the same type.


Monday, April 7, 2008

Write Extension methods

Extension Methods: allow us to add new methods to existing CLR type.

simple example:

string customerName ="you foo";

now by adding extending methods
string customerName = "you foo";


Lambda Expressions

Lambda Expressions a writing anonymous methods:

IEnumerable <person> results = people.Where(p => p.LastName == "Zeng");

Convent to inline methods:

IEnumerable <Person> results = people.Where( delegate (Person p){return p.LastName = ="Zeng";}
) ;

IEnumerable<Person> advanceResults = people.Where(p => p.LastName == "Zeng")
.OrderBy(p => p.FirstName)

Object and collection initializers

Object initializers:
var data = new ProcessData {Id = 123, Name ="CurrentProcess",Memory = 12345567};
Collectiopn initializers:
var digits = new List {0,1,2,3,4,5};

for example:
foreach (var process in Process.GetProcesses())

processes.Add(new ProcessData { Id = process.Id, Name = process.ProcessName, Memory = process.WorkingSet64 });

yeah yeah yeah so easy now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C# 3.0 Language enhancements

1) Auto-implemented properties: This feature allows 3.0 compiler that creates anonymous private variables to contain each of the values that the individual property will be using:

for example:

public Int Id {get;set;} none private int _id

2)Implicitly typed local variables:

for example:

var Processes = new List<ProcessData>();

List Processes = new List<ProcessData>()

In this case we no longer have to write the types of local variables twice, The compiler infers the types automatically. This means that even though we use a simplified syntax, we still get alll the benefits fo strong types, such as compile-time validation and IntelliSense.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Commerce Server 2007 implementation

I will trace this project process, I will see how much mistakes we made and

Monday, March 24, 2008

Model View Presenter --- MVP Design pattern

MVP pattern is one of the major patterns used for ectracting besuness logic outside of UI elements and by that, enabling unit testing the UI without the need for using sepecific UI based testing tools.

View contains the presenter instance
Presenter is the only class knowing how to reach to model and retrieve the data needed for performaing business logic.

Presenter talks to the view throgh the view interface (abstracted representation of the View without UI sepcific attributes)

View doesn't know nothing about the Model

a facade design patten

A facade, in software design terms, is an interface intended to simplify a more complex API.

Knows which subsystem classes are responsible for a request. delegated client requests to approproate subsystem objects
Subsystem classes:
implement substem functionality
handle work assigned by the Facade object
have no knowledge of the facase and keep no reference to it

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

BizTalk Message Delivery

Message-Delivery Patterns


Message-Processing Patterns

First in/first out

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What is ERP?

ERP-- Enterprose Resource Planning. ERP is a way to integrate the data and processes of an organization into one single system.

There are many advantages of implementing an EPR system; here are a few of them:

* A totally integrated system
* The ability to streamline different processes and workflows
* The ability to easily share data across various departments in an organization
* Improved efficiency and productivity levels
* Better tracking and forecasting
* Lower costs
* Improved customer service

While advantages usually outweigh disadvantages for most organizations implementing an ERP system, here are some of the most common obstacles experienced:

Usually many obstacles can be prevented if adequate investment is made and adequate training is involved, however, success does depend on skills and the experience of the workforce to quickly adapt to the new system.

* Customization in many situations is limited
* The need to reengineer business processes
* ERP systems can be cost prohibitive to install and run
* Technical support can be shoddy
* ERP's may be too rigid for specific organizations that are either new or want to move in a new direction in the near future.

The term ERP originally referred to how a large organization planned to use organizational wide resources. In the past, ERP systems were used in larger more industrial types of companies. However, the use of ERP has changed and is extremely comprehensive, today the term can refer to any type of company, no matter what industry it falls in. In fact, ERP systems are used in almost any type of organization - large or small.

In order for a software system to be considered ERP, it must provide an organization with functionality for two or more systems. While some ERP packages exist that only cover two functions for an organization (QuickBooks: payroll & accounting), most ERP systems cover several functions.

Today's ERP systems can cover a wide range of functions and integrate them into one unified database. For instance, functions such as Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relations Management, Financials, Manufacturing functions and Warehouse Management functions were all once stand alone software applications, usually housed with their own database and network, today, they can all fit under one umbrella - the ERP system.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

my website


Thursday, February 28, 2008

BizTalk Components

Businees Rules EngineThe rules engine allows you to apply business process logic against message data. MS provides a full-featured tool for rules creation, called the Business Rule Composer.

Provides a unique graphical interface for routing, evaluating, and manipulatiing incoming and outgoing messages
Orchestrations also provide a means by which you can communicate with web services, databases, and other corporate entities

Healthe and Activity Tracking(HAT)
monitoring the BizTalk

Business Activity Monitoring(BAM)
gives non technical personnel a portal to view the data

Business Activity Services
set providers functionality for managing and instantiating integration relationships with various trading partners.

One could almost make the point that messaging is the core component of the BizTalk Server product. Messaging is not simply one particular application that you can start. It's a combination of adapters, pipelines, ports, and more that collaborate to effectively and efficiently manipulate and route your message data

Enterprise Single Sign-On
Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) is the process by which non-Windows authentication accounts can be granted or denied rights based on preferential mappings established by the BizTalk administrator. This allows you to take in a message that has established authentication through the trading partner's own criteria and correspondingly map that authentication to an internal account within your enterprise

BizTalk Server 2006

Adapters concepts:
File Adapter, Web Services Adapter
SQL Adapter, HTTP Adapter
these four collection of adapters that micorsoft has provided.

are the application-specific interfaces to the BizTalk messaging engine.

Web Services Adapter
Send and receive messages as SOAP packages over HTTP

File Adapter
Read and write files to the file system

MSMQ Adapter
Send and receive messages with Microsoft Message Queuing

HTTP Adapter
Send and receive messages via HTTP

WebSphere Adapter
Send and receive messages using WebSphere MQ by IBM

SMTP Adapter
Send messages via SMTP

POP3 Adapter
Receive e-mail messages and attachments

SharePoint Services Adapter
Access SharePoint document libraries

SQL Adapter
Interface with a SQL Server database

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

SQL dateTime, date

create function DateOnly(@DateTime DateTime)
-- Returns @DateTime at midnight; i.e., it removes the time portion of a DateTime value.
returns datetime
return dateadd(dd,0, datediff(dd,0,@DateTime))

create function Date(@Year int, @Month int, @Day int)
-- returns a datetime value for the specified year, month and day
-- Thank you to Michael Valentine Jones for this formula (see comments).
returns datetime
return dateadd(month,((@Year-1900)*12)+@Month-1,@Day-1)

create function Time(@Hour int, @Minute int, @Second int)
-- Returns a datetime value for the specified time at the "base" date (1/1/1900)
-- Many thanks to MVJ for providing this formula (see comments).
returns datetime
return dateadd(ss,(@Hour*3600)+(@Minute*60)+@Second,0)

create function TimeOnly(@DateTime DateTime)
-- returns only the time portion of a DateTime, at the "base" date (1/1/1900)
returns datetime
return @DateTime - dbo.DateOnly(@DateTime)

create function DateTime(@Year int, @Month int, @Day int, @Hour int, @Minute int, @Second int)
-- returns a dateTime value for the date and time specified.
returns datetime
return dbo.Date(@Year,@Month,@Day) + dbo.Time(@Hour, @Minute,@Second)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Good Recommandation to mock up design site


Avid using HTML Tables to Control Layout
the W3C officially discourages it:


Back to the beerhouse again

You start by establishing the user experience you want people to have, and then you design the plumbing behing the scenes that will provide that user experience. Some basic considerations that affect the user's experience are the menu and navigation, use of images, and the organization of elements on the page. The menu must be intuitive and should be augmented by navigation hints such as a site map or breadcrumbs that can remind users where they are, relative to the site as a whole.
Breadcrumbs in this context refer to a set of small links on the page that form atrail that enables users to back up to a previous page by clicking on the link segment for a page higher in the page hierarchy.

code reusability and enhance maintainability.